Our School Values
Our school motto is ‘Learning for Life’: our core business is ensuring high quality teaching to maximise student achievement, but we also know that learning does not stop when school ends. We want our students to develop the interpersonal skills that will allow them to be happy and contributing members of their families and communities, and the thinking skills they will need to continue learning throughout their lives, so they can respond to the changing world, as well as follow their personal interests. To help our students learn well at school and to develop the life skills they will need, all our work is done through the lens of our four school values. Together with our families, we are taking up the challenge of providing an engaging, safe and outcomes focused learning environment where each individual is valued.
I am responsible, I am brave, I am resourceful and I am a learner.
Being responsible means do the right thing even when no-one is watching. It means being honest, thinking about others, looking after everyone’s property and the environment.
Being brave means making good choices even when it’s hard. It means having the confidence and courage to stand up for what’s right, learn from your mistakes, and try new things.
Being resourceful means being a problem-solver and thinking for yourself. It means knowing where and when to seek help. It means looking after our world and using resources wisely.
Being a learner means striving to improve and always doing your best. It means thinking hard and persisting, even when the work is difficult. It means accepting that people learn differently and helping everyone to do their best.
Life-long learners are responsible, brave, and resourceful, everywhere and always.
I am Responsible
- I show kindness to others
- I move to my class on time
- I line up in a quiet line, facing the front
- I wait for a teacher before entering
- I speak respectfully to others
- I keep hands, feet, and objects to myself
- I walk on stairs and verandahs and in the undercover area
- I play fairly
I am Resourceful
- I have my name on all my property
- I use equipment appropriately and safely
- I ask for help if I need it
- I am organised and prepared for lessons
- I demonstrate skills of attention, focus and active listening
- I wear my hat to play then put it away
- I express gratitude
- I wear my school uniform with pride
I am Brave
- I accept a challenge
- I greet other people with a smile
- I am a good winner and a good loser
- I bounce back from difficult situations
- I persist with difficult tasks
- I adjust the game to suit all ages and abilities
- I model expected behaviour towards others
- I answer questions in class
- I initiate games and invite others to play
I am a Learner
- I follow teacher’s instructions immediately
- I allow others to learn without interruption
- I think about what I am doing. I check it is fair and safe
- I work with others to decide fair rules for games
- I always do my best
- I participate actively in all lessons
- I ask if I am not sure about the rules
- I celebrate my own successes and those of other people